At MBT Bathrooms Ireland, our fusion of proficiency in sanitary technology, design, and cutting-edge functionalities allows us to explore fresh opportunities in the planning, design, and installation of bathrooms. Discover exciting updates and enhancements within the Geberit product offerings, both in front of and behind the wall. Stay tuned to explore the latest and most attractive features that MBT Bathrooms Ireland brings to elevate your bathroom experience.


At MBT Bathrooms Ireland, our commitment to offering a diverse range of Geberit products stems from our shared passion for design and technology. This dedication serves as a source of inspiration and fascination for individuals across the world. With our extensive know-how and nearly 150 years of collective experience, we ensure that the Geberit products available through MBT Bathrooms Ireland not only boast an appealing aesthetic but also contribute to a significantly easier and more enjoyable life.

Our selection of Geberit products showcases a meticulous balance of elegant design and exceptional functionality. Each product is crafted responsibly, using high-quality and durable materials to ensure longevity and sustainability. Geberit offerings, available through MBT Bathrooms Ireland, are designed to be easy to clean, straightforward to use, and tailored to maximize comfort in every aspect.

Experience the embodiment of Design Meets Function with our Geberit product range, where outstanding functionality seamlessly pairs with aesthetic design throughout the entire bathroom. At MBT Bathrooms Ireland, we take pride in curating spaces that not only look good but also enhance the overall experience, aligning with the core principle of Geberit’s commitment to excellence in both form and function.

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